Bikeability 2024

Bikeability Returns to Riversides School 

Bikeability, an initiative run by the Department of Transport and in conjunction with Worcestershire County Council returned to Riversides School for a second year. This year it was decided that children from the secondary side of the school, ages 12-15, would take part. The course this year was a level 2 which meant that the pupils spent a large amount of the time out on busy roads in the local community.
They had to learn about road signs and the rules of the road. For example, who has the right of way, how to enter and exit onto main roads correctly and how to ride safely in congested areas.

All the children passed with flying colours and the feedback from the instructors was very positive. Lead instructor, David Blinston, reiterated that the pupils gave to 200% not only in the practical side of the course but also with the academic side.
All the children were presented with a certificate and badge and are now looking forward to next year when they will be given the opportunity to participate in a level 3 course.

Well done everyone and a big thank you must go out to the staff and instructors of Bike Ability #bikeability.

If you would like more information on Bikeability please click on the link.