Project: Building a Shed

A chance meeting in Worcester in the spring led to this latest project. Mr Fenner bumped into an old friend and they both started to talk about allotments. The friend explained that she was desperate for a shed and Mr Fenner, said “I can build you a shed with my students it would be a great project for them!” And so, the journey started; it was decided that everything was to be built from recycled materials from the side panels to the roof, even the fixings and nails were recycled.

Once all the materials had been sourced Mr Fenner and Mr Kloda set to work with a year 9 student during 1 to 1 sessions for 5 weeks. Slowly but surely the structure started to take shape and before you could bang another nail in, a shed appeared. When the whole structure had been constructed on the school site it was dismantled and then transported to the other side of the city where it was reassembled with the help of the year 10 students.

The new owner could not have been any happier and supplied chocolate and apples to say thank you.

It is amazing what you can build from scrap material, it just takes a little bit of time, imagination and belief. TRY IT!!!